About Kathy and Steve Pierce and Greyhawkes Aerie
Greyhawkes Aerie is a collection of web pages, links, and photos that reflect interests (and some of the passions) of Kathy and Steve Pierce. It started life in 1995 as the website for Greyhawkes Cyberservices, a small web design and hosting business. Today, it is simply a personal website.
Steve has over 25 years of computer expertise in design and programming and over fifteen years of Internet experience. He was self-employeed with his own web design business but now works as a Service Desk Technician for BCForward - still doing website for fun (he really needs to update this one!). He also spent two years serving as a local pastor at Holly Springs UMC and is working on raising support for a ministry role with Perspectives USA. Kathy is a caregiver with Christopher's Bridge, an avid craftsperson, and "keeper of the cats" (we presently have one, Licorice, having just had our 14-year old Amber recently cross the Rainbow Bridge, and she the only child we choose to have).
We both come from large families and are blessed to be not just family but friends with our parents and our siblings, their spouses, and their kids. Although we have chosen not to have children ourselves, we enjoy spending time with our nieces and nephews.
We currently live in Athens, Georgia. Our Christian faith is very much a part of our lives. We are active members of Living Hope Church, where we serve on the Mission and Prayer teams.
We lead very full lives, indvidually and together, with many hobbies and organizational involvements. We also love to travel and do so whenever we get the chance. Our favorite get-a-ways include our beloved mountains (and other areas of natural beauty), theme parks (especially Disney World) and areas of historic interest, particularly areas with stuff from Medieval Europe, Colonial, and Civil War America.

Kathy and Steve at Benihana's